Tim Day - Analog Engineer

Project Role
Tim will be working on designing and fabricating the circuit for the Mixer, Noise, and Envelope Modules. He also the meeting manager, keeps the gitlab for the project up to date, and makes sure the team members complete their tasks.Member Bio
Tim has work experience from Micron, Orbital ATK, and Clow Valve that have helped prepare him in developing a circuit design from start to finish. He is an outdoor enthusiast that highly enjoys mountain biking, hiking, trail running, and traveling. Tim will begin his career at Texas Instruments as a characterization engineer working on analog signal chain for temperature and humidity sensors. He is excited for this opportunity and is looking forward to moving to Tucson, Arizona.Francisco (Paco) Alegria- Chief/Musical Engineer

Project Role
Francisco will be the Chief Engineer leading the overall system design that will allow all modules to work as one system. He will be working on designing and fabricating a few modules; a Keyboard, an Envelope, and a Filter. He will also be designing the internal signal flow systems and assisting in the design of all other modules to help the team meet the expected deadlines.Member Bio
Francisco has musical experience in performance, theory, music production, sound design, and software instrument design. He also has experience in leading teams for a radio and TV station. His passion for music has led him to learn how to design discrete component circuits and integrated circuits with the intention to use those systems for musical applications and signal processing. Francisco’s career goal is to be a mixed signal IC design engineer with a focus in analog IC circuits. He wishes to be part of an organization that provides analog and digital integrated circuit components. To achieve this goal he is looking to continue his education at Iowa State University pursuing a Master of Science degree with a focus in analog integrated circuit design.Eric Fischer - Test Engineer

Project Role
Eric will be working on designing and fabricating the circuit for the Filter as well as work on Power, figuring out how to convert the power direct from the wall to ~9V which is what each module will use. He is also lead the testing portion of the project to ensure each module will function properly both together and individually.Member Bio
Eric has worked at NSK Americas which has given him experience in taking a project from start to finish; going from ideas to design to modeling to building and fabrication. He has a passion for cars and hopes to get a full time postion at a company that specializes in designing innovative solutions for any kind of vehicles. He loves the traveling and the outdoors especially playing sports, hiking, and boating. Eric is very interested in system and controls and hopes his career is in this area.Travis Gillham - Integration Engineer

Project Role
Travis will be working on the design and fabrication of the amplifier circuits as well as working on the keyboard and casing for the product. Along with these project parts, he is also the integration engineer and will help make the process of combing all the portions together much smoother.Member Bio
Travis has work experience from John Deere, ALMACO, and HawkeyePedershaab that has helped in preparing him for a career in Electrical Engineering in the area of controls. Outside of academics Travis enjoys anything that involves being active as he not only enjoys watching sports but playing them as well. Following graduation, Travis will be working as an Electrical Engineer at John Deere in their Power Systems division.Blake Beyer - Digital Engineer

Project Role
Blake will be designing the voice oscillators and Low Frequency Oscillators (LFOs). The voice oscillators will be the main sound source. The LFOs oscillate at sub-audible frequencies and will be used to modulate certain parameters of the synthesizer such as pitch, filter corner, and pulse width.Member Bio
Blake has previously interned at Glow Networks in Richardson, Texas. This has given him experience in RF design and managing technicians in the field. Blake plays guitar and has designed and fabricated a fuzz effect pedal giving him relevant experience in musical effect design. Blake is interested in sales engineering and competed in the 2018 National Sales Engineering Competition in Orlando, Florida. He hopes to pursue a career in this area.