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Senior Design Team sdmay19-32 • Sound Effect Devices for Musicians
Project Overview
In today’s world musicians can be put in a difficult spot when trying to find new equipment that will help them excel in the music world while staying under a reasonable budget. Musical devices, such as synthesizers, can cost anywhere from $500 - $10,000, with this most musicians don’t have the cash to afford upgrading their equipment to compete in the competitive industry of music.
Our goal was to create a synthesizer for musicians that is easy to use, modular, and affordable. Musicians thrive on having the latest and greatest devices to create music, so we plan on creating our synthesizer with our own unique spin on it by using tablet in the form of an iPad or a smart phone that will allow users to create there one layout of the user interface. This device we created not only looks like a state-of-the-art synthesizer but also sounds like one too as we gave the musicians ample freedom to make music their way with our device being modular.